Social Media Consistency/Frequency is Important

Social Media Consistency/Frequency is Important

Feb 23, 2023

CONSISTENCY & FREQUENCY: Implementing consistency is key, and also frequency. Consistency is making sure you have a regular schedule you adhere to for getting content out to your audience. Frequency is how often you post. Sounds a bit similar, but there is a difference. Your audience can be looking for content from you on a certain day and time, which falls under consistency. How often you post per day is frequency.

Creating a schedule is best for your business and for yourself. This weekly or monthly commitment you make to your business and its marketing success is worth the effort.

Depending on how many posts you make, you may start of with 3 days per week of 1 post per day. Your marketing and on-line social presence may require more consistency and frequency than that with daily posts or multiple daily posts.

As Grant Cardone always says - Assume no one saw it, so keep on putting it out there.

PLAN AHEAD & CONTENT CREATE: Choose your 1 day per week/month to pre-schedule using free and paid tools is a huge asset to your business. Use the tools out there. This allows you to pre-load your social channels with pre-scheduled posts for the coming weeks and months.

CONTENT GOALS/GUIDELINES: create a schedule of what type of post you will do on a given day as a regular schedule. As an example, Monday is quote day, Tuesday is tip day, Wednesday is pitch day, Thursday is sharing your past work day, etc. Keep a schedule so your audience is aware of what to expect from you. Doing this in advance can keep you on your content distribution schedule. Many tools out there for pre-scheduling and post creator tools.

CHOOSE YOUR SCHEDULER/PLANNER: Before you buy and spend any money, try out some free content creator tools and schedulers.